Sunday, October 21, 2018

Current musings

Well, here it is the final leg of 2018. Been a while, to say the least, since I've visited here. Think I will start writing here as it is a more permanent means of archiving what I write.
It seems as if my life when I began this Blog is a long ago memory, just a wisp of remembrances.
I am now putting the finishing touches on my 68th year on this orb. Haven't made a dent in it yet, which is a good thing: This orb has done very well for its self for millions of years; it has had its ups and downs, good times and not so good times, but mostly has improved over time. It has provided sustenance and a relatively pleasant home for myriads of different animal, plant and other life forms for millions of years supporting billions upon billions of life forms (If we include bacterias, viruses and other such minuscules then it is countless). Not bad for a rock.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here it is the first of September, the world seems to be getting crazier. Maybe I need to stop watching 'Most Shocking', 'Most Daring' and other shows of this genre. But even the local news paints a picture of a world going crazy; Shootings, stabbings, stand offs and that's just with the news team. It's been one heck of a summer around the world!
To add balance to this troublesome milieu I've gone on several soothing single day drives this summer.
I'll give an up date on Oxnard later.

Friday, January 16, 2009

umph....garphlg....cough...yawn...Excuse me, I just woke up. What's been going on? Has the world been fixed? ...oo, I see that it hasn't been fixed yet. Haven't checked in with Oxnard recently; maybe he's got an inane, mindless fix for everything. any ideas out there?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oxnard is a complicated person. Those that know him say so complicated that he remains confused most of the time. ‘The consummate individual dichotomy’, ‘a supreme mental enigma ’and ‘just another nut-case’ are explanations and descriptions made of him. To be sure, if you meet him you’ll either be stupefied by his grasp of the useless or annoyed by his just being in your presence. In any event, you will have joined the rarified ranks of those few that can claim to have had an ‘Oxnard Non-experience’. Congratulate yourself and hope it never happens again.
Oxnard was a cosmopolitan Ferrell child. His parents were eager to be identified as Hippies but just couldn’t find a Hippie-like niche they could blend in with. Instead of living in the typical Hippie VW mini-bus they lived in what they had, a ’58 BMW.

Needless to say space was at a premium.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This blog may contain delectable nuggets from the nether regions of my mind.All such nuggets have passed rigorous tests with the FDA and EPA and have been deemed safe for mindless consumption and non-toxic to the environment.Content may include muddled rambling insights, outsights, observations (usually of the obvious), epiphanies, and exploits of my alter ego. Pictures and other media will be added when I figure out how to.
The jouney is about to start!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Is there anybody out there?